Kytriena Payseno
Stats: 5’4”, Blonde, Blue Eyes
Degree: BA Theatre Arts/English, MA Acting
Willing to travel

Rattle Can Lead Future of Film Productions, LLC
Ruby Red Lead Colorado University
Ab-Rule ft. Kid Astronaut Lead Insignia Studios
Fighter and the Kid Townsperson FOX Sports
LAYS Potato Chips Supporting Farm League
PRND Feature Supporting Intermittent du spectacle
Democracy Now! PSA Lead Kimcorp
911 Lead Yuanyuan
A Modern Christmas Story Lead Hearts and Minds
Guinness Commercial Lead Yuanyuan
Raw Supporting L.A. Film Festival
EWA Lead Yuanyuan
Hold It Lead Brooks Film Institute
Gone Lead Kimcorp
So We Fly Lead Kimcorp
Tourniquet Lead Colorado Film School
About Us Supporting Averything Productions
Darkest Roads Supporting Hearts and Minds
Catharsis Supporting Her Pictures
Lonely Italian Supporting Lumiere Lab
Saturday at the Starlight Supporting Brat
U Wear Commercial Lead Rachel Yingxuan Zhou
Party at Margot's Lead USC Film
Sepia Lead FIlm Makers at Mines
2010 - present
Titus Andronicus Lucius Fearless Theatre Company *Aleks Rave
One Night Stand 7 Stander One Night Stand * Jim O'Leary
As You Like It Phebe Ojai Art Center *Laurie Walters
A Winter's Tale Julia London Cockpit *Ben Crystal
Blood Wedding Mother Corbett Theatre East 15 *Jamie Wood
The Cherry Orchard Raenevskia Corbett East 15 *Jamie Harper
Fiddler on the Roof Tzietel Ojai Art Center *Tracey Williams
Grease Sandy Ojai Art Center *Buddy Wilds
Brooklyn Boy Alison Ojai Art Center *Steve Grumet
Reunions Petre/Leslie Theatre 150 *Marty Babayco
Trip to Bountiful Thelma Santa Paula Theatre Center*Laurie Walters
Romeo & Juliet Nurse Theatre 150 *Jon Slade
Hello Dolly Minnie Fay Ojai Arts Center *Tracey Williams
Ojai 5 Beth Theatre 150 *Tom Eubanks
Annie Lilly Ojai Arts Center *Gai Jones
Baby Chorus Southern Colorado Repertory Theatre*Harriet Vaugeois
Nunsense Sister Mary Stewart Southern Colorado Repertory Theatre*Alison England
Rent Ali Metropolitan State College of Denver *Scott Lubinski
Health Team Four Polly Pineapple Kaiser Permanente
Lunch Hour Carrie E-Project *Donna Sipes
Cabaret Kost Metropolitan State College of Denver *Scott Lubinski
The Foreigner Townsperson Metropolitan State College of Denver *Terry Dodd
Seven Jewish Children Ensemble Check Point Theatre *Terry Burnshed
Fire in the Mirrors Ensemble Rocky Mountain Regional Playwright Showcase
Malvira the Prophet Malvira One Night Stand *Lorraine Scott
Killing Pollyanna Pollyanna Red Rocks Community College *Jim O’Leary
Smoke Out Ensemble American Lung Association *Lorraine Scott
Aunt Maggity’s Maggity E-Project *Lorraine Scott
Fry Day Meredith Colorado Theatre Guild*Jim O’Leary
The Wizard of Oz Ensemble Metropolitan State College of Denver *Marilyn Hetzel
Monkey Men Celia Colorado Theatre Guild*Jim O’Leary
Kidskits Ensemble Denver Civic Theatre *Jeb Nolan/Kidskits
2010 - present
​Acting: The University of Essex; East 15 MA Acting, B.A. Theatre, Minor Literature (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
Singing: Private Voice Lesson’s w/Rebecca Gorman, Jay Hersch, Linda Kehn, MB Kruger (Metropolitan) and Megan Buness(Community College of Denver).
Dance: Two years of ballet, one year of jazz, two years of swing, and three years of Latin dance at Kidskits, Community College of Denver & Metro.
Misc. Training:
Military Module; Brendan Riding 2014
Shakespeare Workout; Bruce Wall 2014
Film Module; Jonathan Firth 2014
Shakespeare Module; Ben Crystal 2013
Verbatim Theatre Module; Chris Haydon 2013
Improv Module; Bryony Shannanhan 2013
Animation Module; Andrea Brooks 2013
Clowning Module; Jamie Wood 2013
Acting for Radio; Harry Myers 2013
Laban Module; Tracey Collier 2013/2014
Act True; Marc Durso 2011/2012
Master Mask Introduction; Marilyn Hetzel 2009
Kidskits Conservatory: Jeb Nolan 2001
Snowboards, softball, volleyball, painting, stage make-up, teaching, stage combat, fencing, carpentry, waitressing, drives manual, drives ATV, sews, can and has shot many types of guns/crossbows, rides a horse, light/sound board operator, sings (Alexander/Fitzmaurice method, rock, opera, jazz, hip-hop, blues, acoustic, country, and gospel.), ten years playing the viola, and one year of piano, and dialects (Jersey, Southern, German, Latin American, English(RP/Essex), Brooklyn, and Italian.)